Who we are
SHTG Council
Our SHTG Council is responsible for making recommendations to NHSScotland.
The SHTG team conducts the health technology assessments that underpin our advice.
Partner HTA Agencies
SHTG works closely with HTA agencies in the UK and internationally.
SHTG Council members
Find out who sits on our council and their roles
Technologies under consideration
The council considers our SHTG Recommendations and Adaptations
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When does the council meet
Our council meets approximately four times a year
Healthcare Improvement Scotland
SHTG is part of the Evidence Directorate within Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)
SHTG engages regularly with NICE and takes into account available NICE guidance when selecting topics for assessment. NICE interventional procedures guidance is endorsed by HIS; other NICE guidance has no formal status in Scotland.
Health Technology Wales (HTW)
SHTG has a memorandum of understanding with HTW to facilitate knowledge sharing among the agencies, reduce duplication of effort and achieve economies of scale through collaborating on projects and methodology.
International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA)
A group of publicly funded HTA agencies from 50 countries across the world who cooperate and share information about producing and disseminating HTA reports.