What we do

What we do

SHTG provides advice on health technologies to support informed decision making that improves health and care for the people of Scotland.

SHTG advice is underpinned by health technology assessment (HTA) methodology.  HTA is a multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of a health technology at different points in its lifecycle.

The HTA process is formal, systematic and transparent, and uses up-to-date methods to consider the best available evidence - from people's lived experiences and 'real-world' data, to randomised controlled trials and systematic reviews.

The dimensions of value for a health technology often include clinical effectiveness, safety, cost effectiveness (health economics), and the views of patients and healthcare professionals, as well as wider implications for the healthcare system. These dimensions are assessed by examining the intended and unintended consequences of using a health technology compared to existing alternatives. The overall value may vary depending on the decision context.

HTA can be applied at different points in the lifecycle of a health technology, i.e. pre-market, during market approval, post-market, through to the disinvestment of a health technology.

Health White

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SHTG's range of advice products

SHTG advice comes in range of HTA outputs, from bespoke evidence assessments to national recommendations for NHSScotland.  

SHTG range of advice products
Last Updated: 23 January 2024
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