An overview of the advice we provide:
We offer a range of HTA products, from bespoke evidence syntheses to national recommendations for NHSScotland.
An overview of the advice we provide:
We offer a range of HTA products, from bespoke evidence syntheses to national recommendations for NHSScotland.
SHTG Recommendation
Evidence-based SHTG recommendations are developed by a national committee in consultation with stakeholders. Clinical effectiveness, safety, and cost effectiveness evidence will be considered; alongside patient and public views, professional expert views, and social and organisational implications. Our recommendations can include an adaptation of an HTA conducted elsewhere in the UK or internationally, which would include consultation with experts in Scotland. Plain language summaries are provided.
Timescale: 6 - 9 months
SHTG Assessment
Targeted analysis to provide support for decision-making across health and social care in Scotland. Does not include recommendations. May include a critical appraisal or summary of existing evidence; primary analyses, such as economic modelling or budget impact assessment; qualitative synthesis.
Timescale: 3 - 6 months
SHTG Innovative Medical Technology Overview
Light-touch overview of emerging evidence for innovative technologies. Describes the technology, the innovative aspect of the technology, the potential impact on health and social care in Scotland. Highlights strengths/weaknesses of the evidence base. Does not include recommendations.
Timescale: 1–2 months
SHTG Quarterly Bulletin
This bulletin is produced by SHTG to support decision making on health technologies within NHS Scotland. We have listed advice and guidance published by SHTG and other health technology assessment (HTA) agencies across the UK and Europe.
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